Financial Assistance

Life can throw us some ups and downs, but we can not let ourselves be held down.

Federal Support

Centrelink Assistance

Please enquire through your local Centrelink office to see if you are eligible for Centrelink Assistance, visit the Centrelink website or call the applicable number below:

Centrelink Help Numbers

  • Austudy 13 24 90
  • Abstudy 13 23 17
  • Youth Allowance 13 24 90
  • Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) 13 24 90
  • Jobs, Education and Training (JET) 13  61 50

Vocational, Education and Training Student Loans*

VET Student Loans is a loan scheme that assists eligible full fee-paying students studying an approved vocational education and training (VET) qualification to pay their tuition fees.

If you answered ‘Yes’ to all four questions, then you’re eligible to apply for a VET Student loan to assist with covering your nationally credited course.

Apply For Loan Banner
New South Wales

NSW Smart and Skilled*

NSW Smart and Skilled is a reform of the NSW Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. It's helping people in NSW get the skills they need to find a job and advance their careers.

New South Wales (NSW) Initiatives

Job Trainer (NSW)*

Job Trainer is a specific scheme to assist people that are not employed to up skill and get into the workforce.

If you answered ‘Yes’ to all four questions, then you’re eligible to enrol in a government-subsidised course with an approved Smart and Skilled training provider.

*We are in the process of getting approval to be a training provider of the VET Student Loan, JobTrainer and NSW Smart and Skilled programs – watch this space.

Activated Concepts Traineeship Initiatives

Activated Concepts values our staff and are always looking for new talent that aligns with our values and practice commitment. Each year are we offering paid part-time or full-time traineeships. These spaces are limited and focused on selected students/staff that want to grow in their practice and with the company.

If you answered yes to the above questions and a traineeship is something you are interested in, speak to our team today.

Please do not count yourself out; at Activated Concepts, we don’t just accept difference — we celebrate it, we support it, and we thrive on it for the benefit of our employees, our services, and our community. Activated Concepts is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and encourages applications from all persons. We encourage applications from all ages, identities, and backgrounds.

Traineeship Initiatives

Do you want to discuss your personal circumstances with our team?

Then fill in the form and get free personalised support to discuss your educational goals and future.

Have further questions you would like answered?